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Home » My Village Hopes

My Village Hopes

A great moment of my life is when I stand on top of our village’s mountain at sunset. It’s like holding your beloved while closing your eyes imagining a future in which both of you thrive. The sun descends over the horizon, spreading its love all over the valley’s apple orchards and forest groves.

Few foreigners know this place; those who do practically become family. I suppose this is one of our people’s most brilliant aspects – the ability to love so easily and unconditionally. Maybe this is because Syrian souls are simple, or maybe it’s because of the complicated history we’ve lived through.

View over hills

Each non-Syrian probably has many memories about his or her visit, but I’d like to believe it’s the warmth of Syrians’ heart which makes the biggest impression. In spite of all the recent events, you will still find that warmth in a group of young people smiling while doing what they can  to ease the burden of some refugees, or families offering shelter.

My village used to be home to three thousand people. Nowadays, it has more than ten thousand and counting.

While our country battles with itself, I can only hope this warmth in our souls is the foundation on which we’ll regroup and rebuild. I can only hope.


Time to make jelly by Andrea R / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Image: Samer Khoury

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